Category Archives: Random snacks

Fiery Pumpkin Seeds


Spicy yumminess

Guess who bought a pumpkin at the weekend? Yes, this is the second – and by no means last – post related to all things pumpkin. Just like I’ve only recently started baking with pumpkin despite using it for savoury dishes for years, I’ve only very recently come to the realisation that I shouldn’t get rid of the seeds when I’m getting ready to use the pumpkin’s flesh. And I even buy pumpkin seeds. Ridiculous! All that time I could’ve been collecting my own from all that pumpkin I was using for soups and stews. But shop bought ones are green and the ones fresh from the pumpkin stay pretty much white (or near enough) no matter what you do to them, so I think I was under the impression that they were not entirely the same thing. Well, ignorance will get us nowhere. And so I have embarked on making my own pumpkin seeds – well, that’s perhaps not quite the right verb. The pumpkin does most of the hard work, if truth be told. But it can’t season them with salt and chili pepper. And it can’t pop them in the oven until they get all kinds of crispy deliciousness. No, they might be able to make the seeds, fair enough, but it’s me who really made these seeds. In your face, pumpkin! Didn’t use any oil, but I’m sure it would’ve made cleaning the pan I cooked them in a little bit easier. Once cool, store them in an airtight container. And sprinkle them with gay abandon over anything – I stopped at a salad, myself, but who can tell what guides the heart and soul of another?